Séminaire NUMEV-MIPS : Cristina Cavinato
60 personnes présentes pour le 1er Séminaire de l’année 2024 !
Les Séminaires NUMEV-MIPS sont ouverts à un large public d’étudiants, étudiantes, chercheurs et chercheuses de toutes disciplines, qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les domaines de recherche actuels de la communauté NUMEV-MIPS (Mathématiques, Informatique, Physique et Systèmes) ou sur les possibilités de développer ses compétences et savoir-faire.
Characterization of the evolving mechanical properties of vascular tissues in growth and remodeling
Chaire de professeur junior in Soft tissue biomechanics, LMGC
Université de Montpellier
The evolution of multiscale mechanical properties is crucial for adaptation and can be described by evolution equations, including constituent production, removal, and changes in structure. This seminar explores arterial development and remodeling through a multiscale study that integrates human and animal models. The study employs multiple experimental techniques for biaxial mechanical characterization and optical microstructural imaging. The data obtained enable the use of an integrative computational growth and remodeling (G&R) model, deepening our understanding of vascular pathology and supporting the design of improved clinical interventions.Arteries are soft tissues that play a central biomechanical role in promoting blood flow while ensuring mechanical strength in response to hemodynamic loads throughout our lifetimes. The walls of arteries exhibit an adaptive response, often through remodeling processes aimed at maintaining a homeostatic mechanical state in the cardiovascular system. This evolutionary process typically