Séminaire NUMEV – MIPS : Elie DESMond – Le Quemener
- vendredi 1er mars 2024
- Horaires : De 11h à 13h – séminaire + lunch
- Lieu : Campus Saint-Priest Amphithéatre Moreau – Bât 2 – Rue Saint Priest
- S’inscrire : https://framaforms.org/numev-mips-seminar-friday-march-1st-11am-elie-desmond-le-quemener-1707311034
Les Séminaires NUMEV-MIPS sont ouverts à un large public d’étudiants, étudiantes, chercheurs et chercheuses de toutes disciplines, qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les domaines de recherche actuels de la communauté NUMEV-MIPS (Mathématiques, Informatique, Physique et Systèmes) ou sur les possibilités de développer ses compétences et savoir-faire.
Dr Elie Desmond-Le Quéméner
Research Scientist
Microbial ecosystems under the thermodynamic lens: Insights for environmental bioprocess modeling
The Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (INRAE – LBE) research aims to develop the concept of environmental biorefinery, focusing on the design, implementation, and optimization of low-cost and high-performing bioprocesses. Our primary goal is to establish sustainable systems for the recovery and/or treatment of waste. Within this framework, my research is dedicated to understanding the underlying principles governing the microbial ecosystems at the heart of these bioprocesses. The objective is to develop explanatory and predictive models that can be used to drive and optimize these systems. In this seminar I will focus on the application of thermodynamic approaches to the modeling of microbial ecosystems in bioprocesses. Thermodynamic state functions are widely applied to the study of living systems across various organizational levels. However, the study of microbes, the simplest form of life, offers a distinctive opportunity to examine the link between living structures and energy dissipation. In particular, I will present what we know about energy flows and thermodynamic efficiencies within these systems and discuss possible links between microbial thermodynamics and kinetics.

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